
Sunday 23 October 2016

The Tiny Russian Town Of Oymyakon - The Coldest Inhabited Place On Earth - Where Temperatures Drop To -58 Degrees Fahrenheit

Russian town of Oymyakon - the coldest inhabited place on earth
The coldest inhabited place on  Earth is a small village in the Siberian tundra called Oymyakon where temperatures have been recorded as low as -90 degrees Fahrenheit. Average winter temperatures hang around -58 degrees Fahrenheit in Oymyakon and only about 500 people brave the cold to call the town home. Photographer Amos Chapple, of New Zealand, took a two day trip to the Russian village and quickly learned just how painful the plunging temperatures can be. Chapple traveled from Yakutsk, the world's coldest major city, to Oymyakon, the world's coldest inhabited area.He hoped to document the residents in the small town's lives as they avoided frostbite and blistering cold.

The coldest inhabited place on Earth is a small village in the Siberian tundra called Oymyakon,a two-day drive from the coldest major city Yakutsk, where temperatures have been recorded as low as -90 degrees Fahrenheit

Chapple traveled from Yakutsk , the world's coldest major city with a population of 300,000, to Oymyakon, the world's coldest inhabited area with a population of 500
'I remember feeling like the cold was physically gripping my legs, the other surprise was that occasionally my saliva would freeze into needles that would prick my lips,' he told 
Chapple traveled from Yakutsk, the world's coldest major city, to Oymyakon, the world's coldest inhabited area. 
He hoped to document the residents in the small town's lives as they avoided frostbite and blistering cold. 
Interesting ways of life began to emerge from Chapple's time in Oymyakon, which ironically means 'unfrozen water', according to He noted that residents live off a diet of primarily meat due to the fact produce are unable to survive in the freezing temperatures. 

He noted that residents live off a diet of primarily meat due to the fact produce are unable to survive in the freezing temperatures

Because the ground is always frozen, there is little indoor plumbing and most bathrooms are outhouses and cell phones and car engines are constantly in peril of freezing over. 
If cars aren't left running outside, they must be kept in a heated garage to prevent damage. 
Most people will spend as little time outdoors as possible to avoid the frigid temperatures. Often the outdoors are dark and desolate, with only three hours of light in the winter. 

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